Dagna Gmitrowicz
Dagna GmitrowiczJune 20, 20200 70
Goal setting in learning and its long term strategies
Introduction In this article we will answer the following questions: Shall we have, as learners, a clearly described aim or to move without it, trusting in a fate? What is the difference between goal and intention? How to shape our learning process in the long term frame? Why did I choose this tool? According to Rick Hanson „when you learn…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 211
Design your space of reflection
Why did I choose this tool? According to Dr. Melanie Dodd, “The impact architecture has on a person’s mood is huge. Arguably these are fundamentals of architecture: not how it looks, but how we feel it, through the way it allows us to act, behave, think, and reflect.” How does this apply to being a trainer? Trainers facilitate the learning…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 123
Positive telegram
Why did I choose this tool? Stepping into the Positive Emotional State may empower your professional life and boost your creativity to a level that was not attained before. Asking for positive feedback may strengthen solution-oriented focus in professional relationships with your colleagues. How does this apply to a trainer? As trainers we are quite often focused on our deficits…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 95
Learning community of trainers – interpersonal challenges
Why did I choose this tool? Trainers work with groups and individuals. Some processes are happening far beyond our perception or understanding. Sometimes trainers don’t understand their own emotions towards particular participants and vice versa. That is why it is necessary to ask for supervision and learn from this experience. Supervision is a way of feed-backing and supporting undergoing professional…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 869
Integrating the Shadow Self
Why did I choose this tool? This is a topic I have been working with a lot lately. From personal experience I can share that although focusing on our strengths seems a more enjoyable process, until we have faced and assimilated our darkest side, we will only be living in an illusion of who we really are. Exploring our shadow…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 215
How to improve our own performance as a trainer?
Why did I choose this tool? The purpose is to provide you with suggestions for the future and to help you achieve a positive change in the behaviors which you have selected. This very short and dynamic exercise provides an enormous insight and inspires for further development. How does this apply to a trainer? We are constantly learning, and at…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 321
Feedback – 8 basic principles
Why did I choose this tool? The individual assessment via feedback could be an important factor in your professional development as well as a way to empower learning and mutual development among members of your community. The more people you involve into your professional assessment, the more you get empowered, and at the same time, the quicker your community would…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 83
Learning demands and taking a risk—learning with movies
Why did I choose this tool? A movie is a powerful tool: “Who has not walked out of a movie theater feeling sad, scared, inspired, or otherwise moved? Movies can potentially open a person’s eyes to new solutions to any number of difficulties and may provide many therapeutic benefits in addition to entertainment. They might offer hope, provide role models,…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 270
Personal Development Plan
Why did I choose this tool? Who is completely satisfied with all parts of their personality? I know I’m not, at least not now, while I’m writing this. In the postmodern era, when people are highly conscious about themselves and the need to grow and develop, many people fail in doing it simply because they didn’t have the right knowledge…
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Dagna GmitrowiczFebruary 16, 20200 76
Peer learning via a learning interview
Why did I choose this tool? It is extremely important for personal development to have an experience of a well-planned and conscious peer learning. It has two advantages: 1. It deepens our own learning outcomes. 2. It gives us a unique experience how to design a learning experience for another person. Both elements are crucial for the learning to learn…
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