Dagna Gmitrowicz


Dagna Gmitrowicz

Berlin, Germany
tel. 0 1783961841
Born: 09.05.1976 in Poland


  • Project manager since 2001
  • Facilitator of non-formal learning in international context since 2003
  • MA in Graphic and painting 2000
  • Art therapist – M. Erickson Inst. 2001
  • International trainer – TOT, since 2005
  • Designer of innovative educational methodologies – since 2009
  • Member of International Society for Self-Directed Learning since 2019

There were many informal, non-formal and formal learning experiences which shaped me as the trainer:


My path in formal education:


Master of Art (1995 – 2000) Academy of Fine Arts

Art-therapist (1998 – 1999) Art.-therapy Study

Designer (2000 – 2001) Art. & Decor, Interior Design

Therapist (2009 – 2013) Milton Erickson Institute, Poland


My path as participant in non-formal education:


04.1998 Poland

How to understand your body – Laboratory of Psychological Education


TRI –ANGEL – summer academy of art-therapy , Scheersberg, Germany

24-25 . 05.2001 Poland

Schizophrenia. Art therapy. come back to society, conference and workshops , Warsaw

19-25.10.2002 Poland

„How to prepare yourself for realising EVS hosting Project In small places” – international training course

22-27. 08. 2003 Poland

Training for Trainers of EVS Volunteers Increasing Skills and Awareness in Transforming Conflicts- international training for trainers, Poland

2003 Weimar/ Germany

Learning Forum For EVS Trainers , international training for EVS trainers

04.2004 Lebanon, Jordan, Syria

“Follow the women”- peace demonstration

Peace conference in Amman

2004-2005, Romania, Greece, Italy

TOT, Training of trainers for European YOUTH.

December 2005

Group Building – training organised by Erickson Institute

February 2006

„Open group“ an intensive therapeutic training with elements of relaxation, meditation, group dynamic and communication. / Laboratory of Psycho education / Warsaw

December 2006

„Next step – new life” – an international training for EVS trainers, on personal development and life -long learning topic / Poland

November 2007

Training on diversity / Poland

November 2008

Training on conflict management and mediation / Poland

November 2009

Training on peer education and supervision/ Poland

Since September 2009

Studies on psychotherapy in Erickson Institute

New media in trainings, long term online training, Poland 2011

Society of Self-Directed Learning SSDL Symposium 2020 in USA /Florida, 2020



Co-creator of the concept of TOSCA – training and support for organisations in the Solidarity Corps Action – is a Network Training open for all National Agencies of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps Programme. The training activity aims to support and build up the capacities of organizations that actively participate in Volunteering Actions of the European Solidarity Corps, in order to ensure quality and impact in the respective projects. 2019/20


 Co-creator and trainer of online learning modules for on-arrival seminar and mid term meeting for European SOlidarity Corps volunteers in Poland. 2020


Designer and initiator of Colours of feelings and needs cards – educational tool.  2020




One of the facilitators of two big conferences for The Strategic Partnership on Inclusion (SPI) which aims to involve more organisations working on inclusion and increase the participation of young people with fewer opportunities in the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of youth and European Solidarity Corps. In Germany 2019 and in Slovenia 2020


Tool coach at XIV – #know-how –  an international event that brings together youth work experts all over Europe and beyond to discuss and learn from each other about innovative methods and best practices from the field of youth work. 2019, Finland


One of the trainers of Training for trainers ItsUpMe – 2019


More about my experience as a trainer:



Since 2003 till now I’ve been working for Polish National Agency of Erasmus +  and European Solidarity Corps . Recently I worked also among others with other Erasmus + National Agencies from other countries, SALTO Inclusion and Resource Center for European Solidarity Corps, Euroguidance, Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinderund Jugendbildung (BKJ), European Network of Cultural Centres (BEEC), GrenzKultur GmBh Cabuwazi and NaturKultur Ev. I am founder of Foundation Arte Ego in Poland.




Volunteering notes ENG

Undiscoveed Country PL/ENG

Youth Participation PL
From creativity to innovation PL



  • Group exhibition and studio exhibition on Gelsnerstr ID Studios, Berlin. Lange Nacht der Bilder Lichtenberg, 2019
  • Werkschau55 Lange Nacht der Bilder Lichtenberg, Berlin, collective and open studio/individual. Berlin, Germany.
  • Performance Los Insomnes and exhibition /PROTESTACJA/ – Lodz, Poland – October 2018
  • Collective exhibition and individual show during Lange Nacht der Bilder Lichtenberg, – Berlin, Germany – September 2018
  • Performance Los Insomnes – MUSAEUM -Gijon/Spain – June 2018
  • INDIVIDUAL SHOW – gallery at Kunst Fabrik, HB55, Berlin – May 2018
  • Performance and exhibition Los Insomnes Kunst Fabrik, HB55 – May 2018
  • Werkschau55 Lange Nacht der Bilder Lichtenberg, Berlin, collective and open studio/individual. Berlin, Germany September 2017
  • WILDLIFE ARTIST OF THE YEAR COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION​ Mall Galleries, London , UK – my work was Highly Commended – May 2017
  • Wawadesign festival – collective exhibition with 10 Legs Collective, Warszawa, Poland October 2014
  • Przetwory festival – 10 Legs Collective – we won main prize for eco-design installation with 10 Legs Collective, Warszawa, September 2013
  • Individual exhibition in PKA-Place for Altetrnative Culture, Łódź, Poland, 2012
  • Individual exhibition – Stara Szwalnia, Łódź, Poland, 2011
  • Collective exhibition – City gallery- Galeria Willa, Lodz,Poland October 2009
  • Individual exhibition, Kejdany, Lithuenia,March 2006
  • Individual exhibition. Gallery Zamek, Ketrzyn, Poland, October 2004
  • 2000, XII,
  • Individual exhibition, Gallery Pod Zamkiem, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 2000
  • Collective exhibition – The office of Art Exhibitions in Poland – BWA, Wroclaw, Poland 1999




10 NÓG – art collective of eco-design, with which we won a main prize on „Przetwory festival” in 2013, with installation referring to Polish heritage with use of recycle materials.


LOS INSOMNES / sztuka nie śpi – group of visual artists and musicians engaged in socio-political themes – visual art/big format illustrations and performances across Europe.

Design Yourself – international project aiming to stimulate handcraft among young generation. I was running art sessions and making design. 2016


Park of Friendship – international art project – redesigning and art installation in an abandoned park in Ulyanovsk/Russia/2016


Sparckatcher – to which I developed visual conversation technique, and designed deck of cards supporting personal development of individuals by stimulating overcoming own defense systems.2017/2018



Occupy Learning – where I have designed and performed street actions in Berlin based on self designed way of dialogue –  VISUAL CHAT. 2017/2018


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