Acceptance of the key concepts, values and consolidated practice of non-formal learningDesigning Educational ProgrammesDeveloping an educational approach based on the principles and values of non-formal learningIs comfortable with addressing and applying the principles of non-formal learning

Finding the magic of non-formal learning

Transforming the practice of the principle of non-formal learning into a magical experience.


The trainer should be able to apply and not only to know the principles of non-formal learning and, in a way, transforming them into their sessions and passing them to the participants. The principles of non-formal learning should be the basis of the understanding and practices of training proposals and having a clear aim of having an impact on the behaviors of participants. Non-formal learning has inner principles of empowering the understanding of democratic values, participation and fostering the social transformation of participants that should be always the center of the learning proposal of participants.


Why then is it important to connect the learning deeply with these values? Which kind of change is really make happens?

In this TF TALK “AND NOW HOW ABOUT THE MAGIC IN ALL THAT? THE CONNECTION BETWEEN COMPETENCES, LEARNING AND MAGIC” by Gisele Evrard Markovic we can explore these connections between competencies, learning and the magic that non-formal learning brings to the context and trainers is an actor in this process.

“I don’t know what happened but it turned out to be perfect!”, “I don’t understand why but it really worked. Wow, what a group!” “I got today a message from a participant from some years ago. Unbelievable!” These are sentences that you might have read, heard, or even said yourself. Why do “things happen”? How does ‘magic’ operate and interact with competences? With learning? This is what we will explore, not forgetting the dark and bright sides of the same coin, and looking at the necessary elements that can make magic magical.


How to apply it in everyday work?

‘learner-centeredness’, ‘transparency’, ‘democratic values’, ‘participation’ and ‘social transformation’

Are you able to define how do you “practice” these values in your training experience?

Try to identify for each of the above items one concrete example if which had “practice” in your training experience and if you felt comfortable in doing.

Note these elements in as short stories and share with one or more colleagues and add their experience too and integrate into the same common narrative documents.

Reflection Questions:

  • Do you feel comfortable in general in using non-formal education methodology?
  • How did you get in touch/learn about non-formal learning principles?
  • Do you take time to reflect on your trainers practice linked to those principles?
  • Why do you think that such principles are important in modern society?

Federica Demicheli

A training focusing on participation as methodology (not only as topic) is based on a certain value premise that believes in the empowerment of all the learners and supporting the equal participation of the ones with fewer opportunities or in situations of disatatage (temporary or long term). The focus of participatory training is not just about ‘knowing more’ but about…

Click here to read more about Federica Demicheli

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