Search Results for: Lauma Zubule

  • Lauma Zubule

    Lauma Zubule Contributor Articles from this author Lauma Zubule Lauma Zubule has been involved in youth work for more than 15 years. Starting out as an active member and later peer educator in Scout and guide movement, participating in youth educational programs, she continued with her studies in organizational psychology, supervision and coaching.   She is a non-formal education trainer, psychologist…

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  • Cooperating successfully in teams

    Unity in diversity

    Nowadays having learners from diverse backgrounds in one room is more common than ever before. It comes with challenges, but if managed well, diversity can lead to a unique “masterpiece” of an experience. There is a great saying by organizational psychologists that “The worst kind of group for an organization that wants to be innovative and creative is one in…

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  • Cooperating successfully in teams

    Why listening and non-verbal communication matter? Referring to theories and sharing the sources of knowledge in active listening and nonverbal communication skills

    What is the main job of the trainer or educator? Just by analyzing the words “trainer” or “educator”, it is easy to deduce that the main job is to train or educate people. Very often it is associated with giving input, sharing theories, and leading activities or exercises, and as trainers and educators, this is what we have been trained…

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  • Cooperating successfully in teams

    Developing awareness of identity

    Becoming aware of who you are, means that you have a deeper understanding of your core identity no matter the context and in different situations. The big topic for the 21st century – self-awareness In the past few years, there has been a lot of information, research, books, and seminars on the topic of self-awareness. Self-awareness is now regarded as…

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  • Cooperating successfully in teams

    Encouragement – the art of supporting people

    By encouraging colleagues, you support them in recognizing their strengths and resources so that they can become aware of their power and are more capable to make decisions and choices. The article gives a clearer explanation of what encouragement is, gives specific tips on how to encourage colleagues at a greater level. Have you ever been in a situation where…

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  • Cooperating successfully in teams

    Why trust and team spirit matter?

    Trust and team spirit are a core aspect for a team to be successful in the long term. It is a critical indicator of cohesive teams. When people join teams where there is a high level of trust and positive team spirit, they become attached to the team and do not want to leave the job, even if other job…

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  • Communication meaningfully with others

    Who are you?

    Every person has their own identity that is created by the life roles that person is taking, their personal characteristics, their value system and the person’s beliefs. Our identity can greatly affect how we think, feel and act. Our identities in a group can also affect the way we interact, share, and learn both with positive and negative effects. It…

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  • Trainers and Contributors

    Meet our trainers Darko Mitevski Trainer profile Dagna Gmitrowicz Trainer profile Jim Kleiber Trainer profile Leilani van Rheenen Trainer profile Donatas Petkauskas Trainer profile Federica de Micheli Trainer profile Antonio Jovanovski Trainer profile Meet our contributors Lauma Zubule Contributor profile Peter Hofmann Contributor profile Aleksandar Cickovic Contributor profile Martina Durljanova Contributor profile Vafire Muharemi Contributor profile Anamarija Velinovska Contributor profile…

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