Listens wholeheartedly to learners’ expression of their values and beliefs
Listens wholeheartedly to learners’ expression of their values and beliefs
Listens wholeheartedly to learners’ expression of their values and beliefs
Cooperation is an associative and basic process of social life. Society cannot exist without this. It is the very basis of social existence. It is one of the continuous social processes. The term ‘Co-operation’ is derived from the two Latin words ‘Co’ meaning together and ‘Operari’ meaning to work. Literally, Cooperation means ‘joint work’ or ‘working’ together’ for a common…
Read More »What is a paradigm? The word “paradigm” comes from the Greek word paradeigma, commonly used to mean a perception, assumption, theory, frame of reference or lens through which one is viewing the world. In the more general sense, it’s the way we “see” the world – not in terms of our visual sight, but in terms of perceiving, understanding, and…
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