Explains, if relevant and/or needed, the rationale behind the own position
Explains, if relevant and/or needed, the rationale behind the own position, without overtaking/overshadowing those of the group of learners
Explains, if relevant and/or needed, the rationale behind the own position, without overtaking/overshadowing those of the group of learners
Stephen Covey identifies the natural laws with human principles. In his book “the 8th Habit” he states that principles are like natural laws. They are universal – they transcend culture and geography. They are timeless, and they never change – principles such as fairness, kindness, respect, honesty, integrity, service and contribution. Different cultures may translate into different practices, nevertheless, they…
Read More »Diversity awareness is one’s ability to embrace the uniqueness of all individuals along several dimensions such as race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, age, gender, physical abilities, political beliefs, a socioeconomic status. Diversity awareness skills extend beyond mere tolerance to encompass exploration of such individual differences, respecting them, and ultimately nurturing a healthy relationship with the individual despite the differences. With the…
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